Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Frosty Mornings

Well, it had to happen. Summer's definitely over and so are all of the beautiful and warm mornings that we've had for the last few months. For one day last week, the low was 30 degrees. While, the early morning frost can look quite nice, let's face it, that is fucking cold! It's especially cold while traveling 70 mph on a motorcycle.

In years past, I'd either try to fight the cold with layers (long underwear and a hoodie under my riding jacket) or I'd avoid riding when it was below freezing. Of course the layers worked, but they were never enough when it was truly cold. Later, I received a pair of chaps as a gift, which was an improvement, but wasn't enough to make riding possible on the really cold mornings.

Last year I purchased a heated vest. This one has a battery pack, so you don't need a lead from your motorcycle battery to use it. It has made a huge difference. I guess the idea is that a warm core keeps the rest of your body warm. In my case, I've noticed that my hands and legs don't get nearly as cold when I wear the vest. Do 30 degree morning rides still feel cold? Of course they do! However, the vest really makes cold mornings bearable.

Here is my vest.

"It's too cold outside for angels to fly." - Ed Sheeran

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