Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Biker's Lift

I recently read an article that mentioned that leg and core strength were important factors in a motorcyclist’s ability to ride (here). After the ride I had this weekend, I'd say grip strength could be nearly as important.
I scheduled the break-in service on my new bike and the shop is almost 200 miles away from my house. I was excited to get out on the new bike for a longer ride. About 20 miles in, the trip took me on the shore of Lake Superior. Here the temperature dropped from a below average 55°F to a frigid 41°! Even with a heated vest, this was cold! It stayed that temperature for about 15 miles and it finally started to warm up. This was just about the time it started to rain, actually it was pouring. However, I was prepared; I pulled over and put on my rain gear. The good news was that the temperature warmed up considerably to around 70. However, this is when the wind picked up.
This was a huge south wind, which warmed up the air even more, up to 82°. It also was coming straight at me. I don't know if you've ever rode into a strong headwind, but it's definitely a struggle! Riding at 70 mph felt like 120! I had to keep a death grip on the handlebars just to stay on the bike. I bet it looked pretty hilarious seeing a guy in a full racing tuck only going 70 mph!
There is an exercise that strengthens legs, core, and grip. It's the barbell deadlift. Also, in my opinion, no other exercise increases lower back strength than the deadlift, which will really help reduce low back fatigue on long bike rides. I honestly think that the deadlift has really improved my riding ability and I get less drained on long rides. I'm not a personal trainer and I don't pretend to be one, so if you want to learn how to properly perform the barbell deadlift, YouTube has tons of how to videos. Ride and lift safe!
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it ....” ― Henry Ford

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