Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Blogging and Responsibility

I got a raise today. Actually, it’s my second raise this year, so I’m making considerably more money than I did last year at this time. Not only did I get a raise, but I was informed at my yearly review that the company I work for is restructuring and I’m going to be promoted when it does. I’m not saying all this to brag. I just want to show the results of my change in attitude toward work this past year.
Part of the reason I started this blog three years ago was that I was unhappy with my career. I won’t get into the details, but let’s just say that I was questioning whether I still wanted to be an engineer (my current job). I thought that through years of consistent content that this blog could lead to a career change. While I’d never say that this blog was a waste of time, it did not have that effect. What it did do was give me an outlet to voice my opinions, mostly about motorcycles, but a few other subjects have been discussed as well. I think that this has changed my attitude towards a lot of things positively. One of those things was work. Just having a platform to vent helps immensely.
Last year I saw a Joe Rogan Experience podcast which Dr. Jordan Peterson was the guest. I became intrigued by Dr. Peterson and began to listen to his lectures on YouTube. A theme that stuck with me was prioritizing responsibility over rights and happiness. I questioned whether I needed to be happy with my career. I decided to just take my responsibilities more serious instead. If a client emailed me and a group of coworkers, I’d answer instead of waiting for someone else to. I began volunteering for projects instead of waiting to be assigned to one. Next thing you know, I felt content with my job, not happy but content, which is much better than unhappy.
This better attitude bled into my family life and even this blog. Things are definitely better all around.
“Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.” - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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