Thursday, August 10, 2017

Sturgis and Bad Tattoos

It's the beginning of August. Bikers know that probably the most famous motorcycle rally happens now. It's the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. A relatively small town gets an influx of hundreds of thousands of people for this rally, not to mention all of the surrounding areas. I've been there twice and it's quite the experience. I'd recommend that everyone into motorcycles should see it at least once.
My dad is there as I write this and he's probably been there at least 20 of the last 25 years. I went for a short ride with him the day before he left. While we were riding I came to the realization that it had been 24 years since the first time I went to Sturgis. My dad took me there when I was a kid. The funny/scary thing is that my dad is 24 years older than me, which means that I'm the same age he was when we made that trip. I remember thinking my dad was pretty old back then, which definitely makes me feel old now.
Before you start judging my dad for bringing a kid to a crazy motorcycle rally, you need to realize that these types of events are whatever you make them. They can be a place for wild debauchery, or just a place with some great riding and scenery that you can enjoy along with thousands of other riders. Also, my friend and his dad came along with their van, so I didn't have to ride on the back of my dad's bike for the entire trip. I'd switch back and forth from the van to the motorcycle.
You also have to realize that I was already obsessed with motorcycles at this point and I got to see thousands of them. This was a slice of heaven to me back then. I also saw Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument, which are national treasures. I'll forever remember sharing this experience with my dad.
I returned to Sturgis years later, when I participated in more of the party side of the event, which was definitely fun. I even got my first tattoo, which said Sturgis above some tribal design. Regrettable? A little, but it's a permanent reminder of the great trip I had. I think people should cherish even their bad tattoos, with some obvious exceptions.
"Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them." - Bob Dylan

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