Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Moto Honesty

It's been a little over a month since I've ridden my motorcycle. I can honestly say that I haven't been missing it all that much. Am I saying that I no longer enjoy motorcycling? Absolutely not! I'm just saying that if I honestly think about it, I didn't miss it that much over the past month or so. I guess my mind has been occupied with other things, with the holidays and other family things going on.

It's interesting that as I get older I can more honestly assess things like this. I know for a fact that I would never admit that I didn't miss riding ten years ago (maybe even 3 years ago). That would spoil my image as a hardcore rider, who always had motorcycling on my mind and couldn't stand it the instant snow fell because I couldn't ride my bike for a few months. Now I realize that "my image" doesn't really matter and I don't need to prove how "hardcore" I am to anyone. The truth is that a break from an activity (even one you love) can be a welcomed thing.

As I'm writing this, a winter storm warning is flashing on my news feed, ensuring that the winter is nowhere near its end. Slowly, I'm sure that the desire to ride will be creeping up on me and by February I'll be driving myself crazy with my longing for two wheeled enjoyment. Right now I'm just happy that I'm not at that mindset quite yet.

"The truth may hurt, but fooling yourself will enslave you." - Charles F. Glassman

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