Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Freeway Danger

This article recently came across my newsfeed. The topic is the danger of riding on multi-lane highways (freeways) and how to avoid them. Statistically, these roads are much safer than others, but there is no doubt that the higher speeds traveled on freeways definitely make for a more nerve-racking ride.

I absolutely have felt some anxiety when first entering an on ramp leading onto a freeway. Don't get me wrong, I am pretty comfortable with riding a motorcycle at high speeds (probably a little too comfortable). It's the other vehicles weighing well over a ton traveling at eighty miles per hour that get my attention. Any wrong move from a car will obliterate a motorcycle.

I like all of the advice this article lists. The main takeaways are to avoid drivers' blind spots and to keep as much distance between you and other vehicles as possible. A method of limiting the amount of time in blind spots that I like to practice is to accelerate hard through them. When passing, do so as fast as possible. Will you break speed limits? Probably, but I'd rather have a speeding ticket that a catastrophic accident.

Another thing that I notice on freeway travel is that I always begin my ride on high alert, but I grow more comfortable as the ride goes on. I tend to let my guard down. If you're anything like me in this instance, then you have to remind yourself to remain mindful of the other vehicles. This will minimize the chance of anything bad happening.

"Be careful going in search of adventure - it's ridiculously easy to find." - William Least Heat-Moon

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