Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Buggin Out

Lately, I've been pretty interested in a YouTube series from a fellow named CycleCruza (see here for his channel). If you haven't watched this guy's videos, I really recommend you check them out. He has the same love and respect for all things with 2 wheels and an engine that I do. The series details out the building of his bug out van.
Now, a real bug out vehicle is used to live "off the grid" or to be prepared for society's proverbial shit-hits-the-fan moment when we would be on our own to feed and defend ourselves. His van is really more of an inconspicuous camper that also has the ability to haul his motorcycle. The benefit to using a van instead of buying a camper is twofold. First, it's cheaper and second, you can park your van and "camp" in places not necessarily designated for camping (i.e. parking lots and streets).
Now I'm trying to talk my wife into buying a van and converting it into our own bug out vehicle (of course with room for my motorcycle, just like CycleCruza). A "nomadic" lifestyle has always kind of appealed to me and I think it really fits in the spirit of motorcycling. However, this would not be the greatest for children and we have two very young ones. I guess this gives me a decade or two to convince my wife, right?!!
“I’ll catch you guys later. Deuces!” – CycleCruza

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