Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Fight for Fun


How do you know that you're really interested in something and not just unconsciously faking it? For some reason, the fear of being a poser always bothers me. It might be because I hung out with BMX guys and skaters growing up and the worst thing you could be to them was a poser. When I was in high school there weren't a whole lot of other guys that were into motorcycles, so I guess I gravitated toward these guys. They liked the same music I did and had generally the same "do your own thing" attitude.
I do some self-reflection about this from time to time (especially in winter) and wonder if I'm really into motorcycles or I fake it to be cool. Then I go on to my social media sites, where most of my friends are into bikes and other similar things. After reading a few posts and looking at a few pictures I realize how excited I am. It reinvigorates my interest in motorcycles and I find myself chomping at the bit to get out and ride, or to at least talk or write about bikes. I'm not faking it...I f@&$ing love this shit!!!
I guess my message is that you have to work to keep interest in your hobbies. Sometimes it’s easier to sit your ass on the couch and watch TV than getting out and having fun. Next time you find yourself feeling this way, grab a magazine or do a google search on your hobby. If this doesn't get you interested, maybe your hobby really isn't for you. There's nothing wrong with that, but instead of wasting your time doing something you really don't enjoy, find something that you do! You only have this one life to live and a lot of it is spent working, so make sure you really like your hobbies!


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