Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Motovloggers in Winter

A great way that I found to alleviate some of my winter blues is watching motovlog channels on YouTube. A motovlog is a vlog that is done while riding a motorcycle. A vlog is a video blog. Motovloggers attach a GoPro (or similar action camera) and a microphone to their helmet and share their thoughts, experiences, or stories while riding. I’ve even watched one motovlogger discuss local history while riding.
While a lot of the discussion on these videos can be quite engaging, I like to focus on the riding. This is especially true nowadays since I haven’t been on a motorcycle since November. It’s sort of like virtual reality, being able to experience the ride through the motovlogger’s eyes. For me this is an outstanding stress reliever.
I have to admit that quite a few of these channels tend to be geared toward a younger crowd. Some of the guys will ride up to girls and talk to them which leads to tons of likes and comments from introverted teenage boys (not hating....I used to be one too). The comments are basically something like this, “This is EPIC!!!!!” This kinda stuff gets pretty old to those of us in our thirties pretty quickly. However, if you ignore stuff like that and just watch the riding footage, these videos are awesome!
“The problem with winter sports is that - follow me closely here - they generally take place in winter.” - Dave Barry

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