Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Family and Motorcycles

I didn't make a blog post last week. Some personal stuff happened and my life spiraled into a bit of chaos. Don't worry, no one is dying. This is more or less just some issues that tend to happen when you're a homeowner. Something was outdated and I was dragging my feet in fixing it. This came back to bite me. I follow psychology professor Jordan Peterson who has a great metaphor for instances like this. He says you need to slay your dragons while they're small instead of letting them grow into unmanageable problems. I had an issue and I failed to address it quickly enough. This is my fault and I need to use this as a life lesson.
Okay...back to more positive motorcycle stuff! I did buy a motorcycle for my kids. It is a 1999 Honda XR 70R. It is a little big for them now, but it was a deal that I couldn't pass up. I have been giving them little rides around the yard on it and teaching them about the throttle and brakes. I've also been trying to instill in them the proper respect for the inherent danger that there is when riding. My wife is also having a blast riding it as it's the first motorcycle she's ever operated on her own.
This interaction with my family is really helping me through this stressful time in my life. My advice to you if you find yourself in a similar situation is to focus on things that bring a smile to your face. Those are family and motorcycles for me.
"If something's nagging at you, just a bit, it's probably better to deal with it before it's a full fledged dragon." - Jordan B. Peterson

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