Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Winter Forecast

This time of year I usually try to research what the upcoming winter has in store. I google search weather patterns, the Farmer's Almanac, and historic weather data. Most of the time I'll cherry pick the information that shows a mild winter is ahead. This is in most cases incorrect, but it makes me feel better.

This year it appears we are in store for La NiƱa weather pattern. I'm not sure what this entirely entails, but apparently it tends to cause below normal winter temperatures for the upper Midwest. This most definitely can lead (and has lead) to an abundance of snow. However, in my neck of the woods, most snow is lake effect and the if the Great Lakes freeze, the "snow machine" tends to shut off.

What I'm really saying is I have no idea what type of winter we're going to have this year. All I can say is that I'm trying to enjoy every last bit of motorcycling before the snow starts falling. I can also guarantee that you will see some blog posts from me in the upcoming months that will be bitching about winter and snow (just read some of the past posts). If winter bothers me so much, why do I live here? There are a lot of reasons, but that's for another post.

Keep riding while you can!

"Winter is nature's way is saying, 'Up Yours.'" - Robert Byrne

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