Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Lane Splitting Surprise

In California it's not illegal to lane split. If you didn't know, lane splitting is riding in between lanes of traffic, usually when traffic is slow moving or at a standstill. Actually, there's recent legislation to make lane splitting legal in California (as I said before, it's just not illegal). With the new laws, there will be some rules to regulate this practice.

Have I ever done any lane splitting? Yes, but only a couple of times, as I don't live in California (I believe that it is allowed in other countries as well). For the most part, it seemed pretty unsafe to me.

The reason I'm writing about this is this study ( A couple conclusions found here were that lane splitting actually helps traffic flow and is MORE safe than just sitting in traffic like all of the other vehicles. You are actually more visible when you are riding along side of a slow moving vehicle than when you are in front or behind them! Maybe lane splitting should be legalized everywhere.

"A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that's how life is - full of surprises." - Isaac Bashevis Singer

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