Friday, December 12, 2014

Sons of Common Sense

Yesterday I watched the series finale of Sons of Anarchy.  Actually, I believe I’ve watched every episode for the last seven years.  Don’t judge!  I like crime shows and if you throw bikes on top of it…I’m hooked.  I believe the finale finished the series pretty damn well (don’t worry, no spoilers here for those of you who plan on watching the series on Netflix). I know others disagree with me, but I felt satisfied.

I heard a quote from the series creator, Kurt Sutter that 1% club membership drastically increased while this series was airing. This got me thinking that if memberships of outlaw motorcycle clubs increased because of the show, then lots of people must’ve been inspired to buy Harleys.  This leads me to a point…People should not buy brand new Harleys for their first bike!!!

I’m all for the increased interest in motorcycles.  Hell, the more the merrier I’d say.  But, a guy (or girl) dropping 10-20k on a brand new bike without figuring out if they really enjoy it first is f@#$ing moronic!

Please if you feel interested in a bike…spend a grand and get something that runs, but won’t be an entire waste if you figure out that you don’t really like riding.  Also, if you have a little hands on ability, you can take a $1000 bike and make it look pretty cool.  A friend of mine has a seventies model Kawasaki 400 that he made into a flat track racer.  It looks pretty damn cool, for not much money.

It’s tough to know if you really like riding, or you just like the fact that every time you pull into a parking lot you think dudes are jealous and all the chicks want the D because of your new ride.  If you have a bike that nobody looks twice at, but still love to ride, you know you’re probably in it for life!

I’m not trying to just pick on Harley riders either.  You sport bike riders are just as bad, if not worse!  The truth is that novice sport riders are not only spending too much money, but they get way more bike than they would ever need if they buy a brand new liter bike.  To me, these guys should get cheap 250 or 500cc bike and learn to ride first.  Also, there is quite a bit of satisfaction in riding a bike to its limit instead of riding to the limit of your ability.

Rant over.  Like I said before, I’m happy that lots of people are getting into bikes, but please don’t go out and buy a brand new Dyna because Jax Teller rides one!

“Something happens at around 92 miles an hour – thunder – headers drown out all sound, engine vibrations travel at a heart’s rate, field of vision funnels into the immediate and suddenly you’re not on the road, you’re in it.  A part of it. Traffic, scenery, cops – just cardboard cutouts blowing over as you pass.” – Jax Teller (from Son’s of Anarchy)

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